We are innovative 

“Al Arkan Luxury Company” was established in 2020, as a Saudi facility with its headquarters located in the city of Riyadh. The company provides innovative solutions in the fields of construction and facilities management, targeting the business sector, and has more than 500 specialized employees.

Our commitment

We adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety, as our extensive systems include achieving customer satisfaction and ensuring the comfort of our employees

Our goal

To be the leading company in multiple business sectors in distinct and innovative ways

Our vision

Reaching new standards for the concept of operation and maintenance of buildings and facility management

Our Valus



We stand by our word and strive to build trust-based relationships with our customers and partners. We put integrity and honesty at the core of our business relationships



We strive to achieve the highest levels of efficiency in implementing projects and providing services. We are committed to achieving goals effectively and on time



We are always developing and adopting the latest ideas and technologies to provide innovative and sustainable solutions. We are constantly improving and innovating in all aspects of our business



 We always strive to achieve the highest levels of performance and excellence in everything we offer. We put quality and uniqueness at the core of our work, striving to deliver exceptional experiences for our customers

Message of the CEO - Suleiman bin Ali Al Namlah

The United Nations emphasizes the importance of sustainable development, which ensures economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, aiming to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. This requires integrated and coordinated efforts across sectors and disciplines, based on evidence-based policies and innovative solutions. Investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure are essential to address the challenges facing communities, particularly in developing countries. Sustainable development also involves empowering individuals and communities, promoting gender equality, and enhancing capacity-building initiatives. Regional cooperation and international partnerships are crucial for sharing knowledge and resources to tackle global challenges. To achieve resilience against crises and disasters, it is vital to invest in disaster risk reduction and management, as well as to strengthen institutional capacities and preparedness. It is essential to recognize the role of indigenous knowledge and practices in sustainable development. By harnessing traditional wisdom and modern technologies, sustainable solutions can be developed. It is also important to ensure the participation and inclusion of marginalized communities, especially in decision-making processes concerning their welfare and the protection of their rights. It is recognized that investment in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and sustainable consumption patterns is vital for achieving sustainable development. It is imperative to address the root causes of poverty and inequality and to promote sustainable patterns of production and consumption. It is evident that investment in research and innovation is necessary to address the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. It is essential to create an enabling environment for sustainable development, including through policy coherence and supportive institutional frameworks. It is also essential to mobilize financial resources and enhance international cooperation in support of sustainable development efforts.

Quality, security and safety certificates

Who trusts us?

Our happy customers